In this book Dr. Burri and Dr. Siebrecht are giving an overview about the lastest science around Krill Oil.
Dr. rer. nat. Lena Burri (Author) and
Dr. rer. nat. Stefan Siebrecht (Author)
Preis 14,80 €
OMEGA-3 FATTY ACIDS are essential for maintaining good health even though typical western diets are far too low in the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) linked to numerous health benefits. Many consumers turn to dietary supplements to make up the difference between what their bodies need and what their diets provide. As a dietary supplement, Superba”‘ krill oil provides these important fatty acids to a large part in the form of phospholipids. Dietary phospholipid carriers promote the efficient transport of omega-3 fatty acids through the body and into cell membranes. Due to this special combination of omega-3 fatty acids with phospholipids, SuperbaTM krill oil supplementation has been linked to numerous positive health effects. This book provides the background for this novel source of omega-3 fatty acids and explores the many advantages of krill oil supplementation for the health of consumers worldwide.
Book Information
- 132 Pages
- Publisher: Ponte Press Verlags GmbH 2014, Bochum; (3. August 2013)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 3920328639
- ISBN-13: 978-3920328638
- Size: 19,6 x 17 x 1 cm
- Price: 14,80 EUR
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